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SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

Article about: I just purchased this helmet on Nov 14 2009. Russian helmets are a totally new field for me. From what I have learned it is a model SSch-36 helmet with a later model M39 liner. Questions; -I

  1. #1

    Default SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    I just purchased this helmet on Nov 14 2009.

    Russian helmets are a totally new field for me.

    From what I have learned it is a model SSch-36 helmet with a later model M39 liner.


    -Is the liner change in the M36 to the M39 liner a common thing?
    Why would the liner have been changed?

    -Do the markings shown in the photos below indicate the manufacturer of the helmet?
    -I do not know what the ink markings mean other than the 1939 date and the POCT 4 size.

    -What is a fair price for this helmet in Europe?
    -Is there a reasonable demand for this model in Europe?

    The helmet was purchased in Canada; it is the first one that I have seen where I live.

    Any help and comments would be appreciated.



  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    One of the principal reasons for purchasing the helmet shown above was as a complement to the stuff shown below.


  4. #3

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    Very Nice Collection

  5. #4

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.


    Thanks for your comment.

    I am really trying to find out about this helmet in this thread.

    I am not a dedicated WWII Russian principal passion is U.S. Civil War well as WWII German and American pieces.

    Along the way ...I got bitten by some WWII Russian stuff...
    It all happened before I realized it.

    This should probably be somewhere else in this Forum


  6. #5

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    This is a outstanding collection, Maybe contact the RPS reenactment group online, They have a very good Russian unit I'm sure they could help,Also the CHG reenactment group has one as well, both are on the net and located in California

  7. #6

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    Thanks Mayfeibl for the suggestion.

    I took another photo of the M39 liner and I am corresponding
    with some guys that sell these helmets and seem to have
    a sense of the varaitions of these liner changes during the war.

    I am also in the midst of thinking about purchasing a
    WWII holster for the TT-33 is not pretty..
    but it has the feeling of having been there....
    I have a couple of the post war variations..
    but the holster I am considering looks more like
    the photo at the bottom.

    The holster I am looking at is much more grungy than
    the example shown below but it has the spare magazine
    pouch in the same place. (pocket).

    I think I will buy it!

    The one I am looking almost looks (worn) black ...with use.
    Not sure if there are any markings?

    I have enough pristine holsters!


  8. #7

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    The helmet is an interesting example... It is not an M39 liner exactly, but what you might call and M39 style liner. You find Ssh-36 and 39 helmets from time to time that have been relined with this liner system. While superficially similar to the Ssh-39 liner, they are not constructed the same as a factory Ssh-39 liner.

    Why were they relined? The helmets were relined due to damage or having the original liners removed for winter wear. These liners are all very similar in construction and material make up. Likely they were all done at a single depot location. It is possible that because of the use of crude material and the non-standard construction and installation that these type helmets were relined in Leningrad during the siege.

  9. #8

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    Wesley's Dad,

    Thanks very much for your response,it was very helpful.


  10. #9

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.

    Michael is right, but there most of that helmet was relined in Leningrad, during blockade, approx 5000 helmet was redone, the helmets was removed from recycling, and due of that all the liners was removed before sending them to recycle. Then due of absolutely no resources in blockaded town all the liners was made both for German M 16 helmets ( very rare reissue), SSch- 39 ( surrogate copy of SSch 39 helmet - tin made in the Leningrad) and other helmets which was sent for recycling, battledamaged Ssch 39-40 and Ssch 36 and M 15,17 and other helmets.
    Your is typical Leningrad redone. They are very rare, but they was found in one of the Leningrad's factories Air Protection bunker approx a 500 pieces( In the Soviet time all of the factories and even the one from 4 civil houses has a air protection bunkers, but only the factories has a helmets, due of needs of the factory guard in war time.) . I think the helmets like that was sent to the Civil defence as per order to built the civil defence bunkers due of Cold war.
    When I was a child that was a nice adventures to go to that bunkers trough the ventilation system to get some gasmasks and military wear.

    my Skype: warrelics

  11. #10

    Default Re: SSch-36 helmet with a later M39 liner….A few questions.


    Very interesting information.
    Thanks very much for your help.


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