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Dug up Heer buckle

Article about: Can anyone tell me the maker of this buckle from these pics? Regards, Lars

  1. #1

    Default Dug up Heer buckle

    Can anyone tell me the maker of this buckle from these pics?

    Regards, Lars

    Dug up Heer buckle Dug up Heer buckle

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    21 views? Nobody can tell?

    Regards, Lars

  4. #3

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Lars, you'll have to wait for Ben or one of the other Buckle guys.
    Meantime a close up of the eagle might help.


  5. #4

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Thank you Tom. The buckle is not in my possession. It's a friend of mine who sent me the pics, because he can't read the maker mark

    Regards, Lars

  6. #5

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Eagle looks to me a bit like a G.B, but not sure. Go through the Belt & Buckle section's maker threads and try compare them to your friend's.
    Something to do while waiting for an answer. :-)

  7. #6

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Not a bad idea mate. I will see if i can figure it out myself

    Regards, Lars

  8. #7

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle


    This buckle was most probably made by the Assmann firm.


  9. #8

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Thanks Guido. I can't seem to find my variant in the very nice thread Ben have made. The catch look like GHO but IMO the eagle does not.

    Regards, Lars

  10. #9

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    I actually think my friends buckle is made from aluminum. looking at the wear it have to it. Looks like my alu Luftwaffe actually.

  11. #10

    Default Re: Dug up Heer buckle

    Yes, of course aluminium.

    Lars, I am sure now that the maker is Assmann.
    Please compare it to the following example:

    Hope it helps!


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