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Authenticity of new style white service tunic

Article about: Hey guys, I'm looking to pick this up to go with my artillery waffenrock. I've never seen this pattern before. Every white service tunic I've seen has a collar similar to the waffenrock. Any

  1. #1

    Default Authenticity of new style white service tunic

    Hey guys,
    I'm looking to pick this up to go with my artillery waffenrock. I've never seen this pattern before. Every white service tunic I've seen has a collar similar to the waffenrock. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Authenticity of new style white service tunicAuthenticity of new style white service tunicAuthenticity of new style white service tunicAuthenticity of new style white service tunicAuthenticity of new style white service tunic

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    I would stay away from it with just these pictures!!!!! This style of tunic was worn WITHOUT collar tabs. The shoulder board looks like it is attached with strings through the shoulder that are mounted to the board. This is a post war NVA style. Third reich Heer , KM and luft white tunics used a different attachment method.


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