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Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

Article about: I've been scouring the internet for ages trying to figure out where the jacket in this picture came from... I've done enough searching to notice some similarites between the jacket in questi

  1. #1

    Question Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    I've been scouring the internet for ages trying to figure out where the jacket in this picture came from...

    I've done enough searching to notice some similarites between the jacket in question and some of the Waffenrock uniforms. They fella in the picture is a New York musician so it is very possible that it's a custom made jacket that was simply inspired by the Luftwaffe dress jackets.

    If anyone could provide any help, I would just love it!


  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    Well I know what it isn't It isn't TR

    But what it is? looks to me like a BDR post war contraption. I'm sure someone will know exactly what it is and where its from.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    Do you think this was the right forum to post this question in? This was the only forum I found that had jackets that looked similar, the little birds on the lapel and the light blue color.

    Also could you elaborate on what a 'BDR' is?

    Thanks again for the help!

  5. #4

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    Sorry Maxwell
    Of course it was the right place, and the right forum to post on, Sorry I meant DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik was the old east Germany after the war until the wall came down

  6. #5

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    After some searching, I have noticed some similarites between some DDR stuff and the jacket in question. But, I can't seem to find one in grey.

    I'm almost positive that the jacket is from Germany though. The guy in the picture tours Germany non-stop, so it would make sense that he could get a hold on some crazy rare military jacket.

    Once again, I can't thank you all enough! Hope I've given you something to rack your brain over!

  7. #6

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    It is a former NVA (Nationale Volksarmee) tunic. Would have been worn by a member of the East German Air Force.

    Cheers, Ade.

  8. #7

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    Thank you so much! I was sure I would never find out where it came from, but now I've found one online for 30 bucks thanks to you all! This is a really awesome hobby by the way.

    thanks again!

  9. #8

    Talking Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    One more question.....

    What is the silver rope that hangs from his right shoulder, and does anyone know a good website to order one from?

    Thanks again!

  10. #9

    Default Re: Can anyone help me identify this dress jacket?

    It is a marksmans lanyard or Schutzenschnur in German .

    Cheers, Ade.

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