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completed waffenrock

Article about: Ewan, Thanks for the link to Time Militaria, just bought some postcards and a buckle from them. Good prices Cheers, Simon.

  1. #1

    Default completed waffenrock

    My lanyard arrived this morning so my waffenrock is now complete! Anyone know more details bout the lanyard? I thinks it's for the 3rd grade of marksmanship? Many thanks. Jay
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture completed waffenrock   completed waffenrock  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Hi Jay

    You're correct in your assumption that the lanyard is 3rd grade, (original qualification + 2 requal's as shown by the two acorns)
    This is an EARLY version, identified by the style of plaque at the shoulder strap end.
    They were originally introduced in 1936, to be worn by all qualifying ranks below officer rank when in parade, reporting, walking-out and guard uniforms, but NOT on the greatcoat.

    Hope that this is of some help.

    Regards etc

    Ian D
    AKA: Jimpy

    PS: If you can get hold of a copy, a good reference book is:

    German Army Uniforms and Insignia 1933 - 1945
    by Brian L Davis

    You may have to hunt around for a copy because it is long out of print.
    Last edited by jimpy; 05-28-2010 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Addition

  4. #3

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    I agree, a splendid book
    Regards to all, Simon.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture completed waffenrock  

  5. #4

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    LondonJay, thats a fine looking 'Waffenrock', I especially like thes tunics as they are a direct decendant of the Imperial Dunkelblau Waffenrock....the traditional dress/service tunic of the 'old' army. Should the EKII ribbon be displayed twice ?, once on the buttonhole, the other on a ribbon bar......I thought that was against regs, I am sure someone will be able to tell us...Both jimpy and shadowwolf are correct about the book, regarded as the 'Bible', i still have mine, and still use it 36 years after buying it !

  6. #5

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Quote by shadowwolf View Post
    I agree, a splendid book
    Regards to all, Simon.
    that is a good book i also have it, i really like the color pic of the solider drinking from his mess cup he has a wedding ring on and is in snow camo including his lid

    jay well done on your tunic its lovely

  7. #6

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Thanks alot for your comments guys i'll hunt the book down Jay

  8. #7

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    jay here you are buddy £10,50 free post in the uk and guess what its a older edition. i payed alot more for my reprint, how it goes i suppose

    Time Militaria | World War II | Books

    p.s i bought from eddie before and hes a first class chap

    regards ewan

  9. #8

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Hi Jay, it looks excellent.

    Steve is correct: display of the EKII ribbon and repeating it again on the ribbon bar was against regulations. But seen despite that.

    The book is still the "Bible" and a must have.

    Cheers, Ade.

  10. #9

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    Hi Jay, it looks excellent.

    Steve is correct: display of the EKII ribbon and repeating it again on the ribbon bar was against regulations. But seen despite that.

    The book is still the "Bible" and a must have.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Same as the 2nd or 3rd button hole
    thing again I suppose Ade!

  11. #10

    Default Re: completed waffenrock

    Quote by Ewan Stirling View Post
    jay here you are buddy £10,50 free post in the uk and guess what its a older edition. i payed alot more for my reprint, how it goes i suppose

    Time Militaria | World War II | Books

    p.s i bought from eddie before and hes a first class chap

    regards ewan
    Thanks alot mate, I ordered it from amazon for £4.89, 2nd edition hardback as soon as you guys recommended it Jay

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