Zdravím vás přátele, prosím o vaše názory na tuto rukávovou pásku. Prodejce tvrdí, že se jedná o 100% originalní nošený kus. Vzhledem ke zpracování a materiálu si myslím , že tomu tak je! Chtěl bych prosím slyšet nàzory i jiných.
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Zdravím vás přátele, prosím o vaše názory na tuto rukávovou pásku. Prodejce tvrdí, že se jedná o 100% originalní nošený kus. Vzhledem ke zpracování a materiálu si myslím , že tomu tak je! Chtěl bych prosím slyšet nàzory i jiných.
Děkuji mnohokrát
Hi mate...
It seems that the translator has done a trick
"Hello friends, I am asking for your opinions on this sleeve tape. The seller claims that this is a 100% original worn piece. Considering the workmanship and material, I think it is! I would like to hear the opinions of others.
thank you very much"
The eagle is graphically 'odd' with a blob of a head and talons.
Genuine or not, that alone would turn me off!
" I'm putting off procrastination until next week "
Definitely a dud in my humble opinion....
Thank you all for your opinions
Why do you think this is fake? It is not clear from the translation. Thank you
Printed materials are extremely easy to fake and reproduce. What you need to do is find a period image of this armband in use to compare the Eagle, stamps etc.
You will also need to examine the cloth with a UV light as well as burn test the strings to determine if the material is synthetic (post war) or cotton.
At first glance I would not want to add this to my collection.. This really screams fake
Save your money, friend...
Fantasia cuff Titel...
"HJ-LuftwaffenHelfer" (1943-1945)
Best regards
For me it is a fantasy armband, apart from the crude printing and bogus stamps.
Show me a period photo of one being worn during WW2, you won't find any....
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