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"GD" Cufftitle

Article about: Just wondering if someone can tell me anything about this one. I picked it up at a yard sale and do not know anything about it. Thank you

  1. #1

    Default "GD" Cufftitle

    Just wondering if someone can tell me anything about this one. I picked it up at a yard sale and do not know anything about it. Thank you
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture "GD" Cufftitle   "GD" Cufftitle  

  2. # ADS

  3. #2

    Default Re: Cufftitle

    Hi Tony, first off, welcome to the forum!

    The cuff title is not SS, but is for the German Army's premier unit, "Grossdeutschland".

    This unit started life as a Regt but was later raised to divisional status.

    I have moved the thread to the correct forum for you.

    This cuff title went over an evolution over time and four different patterns exist. Yours is a third pattern.

    I feel that the one you show may well be a copy.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    Thank you Ade

  5. #4

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    Agreed it could be reproduction. For future reference, decent close ups are needed. If you picked it up at a yard sale for next to nothing you may have a decent copy for display. Just in case could you please post pics if you have them?

  6. #5

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    I can't say nothing without close ups

    my Skype: warrelics

  7. #6

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    I wish I could post a closer picture but this is the best my scanner will do. If I can borrow a camera I will be happy to post better images.
    Most of my collection I have purchased at yard sales and there is so much to learn between what is real and what is fake, and how to tell the differance. We learn something new every day.
    Thank you

  8. #7

    Default "GD" Cufftitle (closer pic)

    I tried to borrow a camera and this is as good as I can get it. Seems I need more practice. I took two but the other one is to large to upload
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture "GD" Cufftitle  

  9. #8

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    Brother, it is a long road until one can feel comfortable in this hobby. I think it's great you attempt to find stuff at yard sales. Keep up the research. This forum is a great way to learn and don't be afraid to ask any questions about anything. I am still learning and ask questions no matter how trivial the question is. Good luck.

  10. #9

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    Hi Tony, I have merged your new pic thread into the original thread on this title for ease of viewing.

    I am not that familiar with these cuf titles. One thing which does bother me is the poor application of the braid to the edges of the cuff title.

    Cheers, Ade.

  11. #10

    Default Re: "GD" Cufftitle

    Thank you for your help Ade, should I Just scan the ends so you could see it better ?
    Adlerfan, I learned a long time ago that there are many people that sell at flee markets and have no idea what they may be selling. At yard sales most times I am buying from the vet himself or the direct family. A lot less chance of getting burned, but I even know one gentleman that did bring back lots of stuff and even purchased a copy of a SS dageger because he just wanted it, but he only paid $20.00 for it.
    Thanks again

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