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ID help on shoulder tabs. KM or Luftwaffe?

Article about: I got these with a lot of Kriegsmarine insignia. They look like Luftwaffe to me but I could use some help with an ID. Thanks in advance.

  1. #1

    Default ID help on shoulder tabs. KM or Luftwaffe?

    I got these with a lot of Kriegsmarine insignia. They look like Luftwaffe to me but I could use some help with an ID. Thanks in advance.

    ID help on shoulder tabs. KM or Luftwaffe?
    ID help on shoulder tabs. KM or Luftwaffe?

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    Circuit advertisement ID help on shoulder tabs. KM or Luftwaffe?
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  3. #2


    These are too long for Luftwaffe Kragenspiegeln. I would say Kriegsmarine, but I am not well versed enough in this subject (KM) to hone in any closer, without research.
    Last edited by Kohima; 02-05-2023 at 02:24 PM.

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