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Identity of Kriegsmarine Cloth Badge

Article about: HI Have had this badge for years, but have never been able to identify it. The badge came from a reliable source. The flag in the center appears to be the Kriegsmarine Battle Flag. Any point

  1. #1

    Default Identity of Kriegsmarine Cloth Badge

    Have had this badge for years, but have never been able to identify it. The badge came from a reliable source. The flag in the centerIdentity of Kriegsmarine Cloth Badge appears to be the Kriegsmarine Battle Flag. Any pointers would be appreciated


  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Identity of Kriegsmarine Cloth Badge
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  3. #2


    Hello Allan,

    I've never seen a sleeve badge like this before. It is definitely not an official badge of the Kriegsmarine.

    If it's genuine, I think it's probably some kind of patriotic badge that was privately made.

    Best regards

  4. #3


    Thanks for the update, that would explain the reason I have not found the badge

  5. #4


    It may be a somewhat embellished, private purchase, version of the Admiralty Staff insigne.

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