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Panzer kriegsmarine leather jackets

Article about: I have a question why the differences between the pockets of this jackects different models or other makers the first pic of wittmann you see the flaps below in the jacket are flat but in th

  1. #1

    Default Panzer kriegsmarine leather jackets

    I have a question why the differences between the pockets of this jackects different models or other makers the first pic of wittmann you see the flaps below in the jacket are flat but in the second pic the pockects ARE different but why any info?


    Panzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jackets

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  3. #2


    I sold mine last year and have regretted it since, it was a beauty, if I say so myself..

    It's probably just down to different makers/styles of this jacket.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Panzer kriegsmarine leather jackets   Panzer kriegsmarine leather jackets  

  4. #3


    The one being worn by Wittmann looks to be an officer's jacket-with the metal buttons and shoulder boards. Whereas the jacket without anyone wearing it is likely an enlisted mans with plastic non-pebbled buttons and no shoulder boards. Wittmann's coat also features lower horizontal pockets with flaps in opposition to the other jacket having slash vertical pockets without flaps. Wittmann may well have had a custom made jacket made for him with whatever modifications he preferred. It could also have something to do with SS styles being somewhat different from Navy styles.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  5. #4


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    The one being worn by Wittmann looks to be an officer's jacket-with the metal buttons and shoulder boards. Whereas the jacket without anyone wearing it is likely an enlisted mans with plastic non-pebbled buttons and no shoulder boards. Wittmann's coat also features lower horizontal pockets with flaps in opposition to the other jacket having slash vertical pockets without flaps. Wittmann may well have had a custom made jacket made for him with whatever modifications he preferred. It could also have something to do with SS styles being somewhat different from Navy styles.
    If I recall correctly, those leather jackets were not made for the SS at all: They are part of the leather suits for U-Boat personnel. Large quantities of them were delivered by Germany to Italy. After Italy had changed sides, substantial stocks of these uniforms were captured and then re-issued to Waffen-SS tank crews.

  6. #5
    CBH is offline


    Andreas is of course correct, I believe the 12th SS Panzer was similarly outfitted in U-Boat Leathers.

  7. #6


    I'm sure Wittmann tried a few on, before deciding this one was the perfect fit..

  8. #7


    well this is the result i buy the set and i made a hg division mannequien of it.
    It has a blue m43 so i go for a stug man and i think its better to use a lw buckle belt for enlisted man and nco its just a trying to make a good mannequien. The m43 is under repair the breast adler wil be replaced bij a triangle. What do you think of it all help and info welcome!


    Panzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jacketsPanzer kriegsmarine leather jackets

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