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Question about KM sleeve patch

Article about: I´m not much into Kriegsmarine, but I couldn´t resist this sleeve patch when I came across it. I would appreciate informatin about it, purpuse etc.

  1. #1

    Default Question about KM sleeve patch

    I´m not much into KriegsmarineQuestion about KM sleeve patch, but I couldn´t resist this sleeve patch when I came across it. I would appreciate information about it, purpuse etc.

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    Circuit advertisement Question about KM sleeve patch
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  3. #2



    Based on the reference book: "Kriegsmarine: Uniforms and Traditions" by John Angolia and Adolf Schlicht, Volume 1, page 177, this is the insignia for a Midshipman of the officials career. These were worn on the sleeves, your Eagle head facing to the left would have been worn on the left sleeve. An identical one would have been worn on the right sleeve (facing to the right).

    Volume 2 goes into great depth and images of the Career/Branch sleeve insignia variations.

    Hope this helps

    Last edited by Rakkasan187; 06-16-2024 at 10:42 PM.

  4. #3


    Thank you very much for the information.

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