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Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

Article about: I've had these for about 20 years and presume they are POA but then saw images of a POHA officer wearing similar boards on this forum. Were they used by both?

  1. #1
    pjm is offline

    Default Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

    I've had these for about 20 years and presume they are POA but then saw images of a POHA officer wearing similar boards on this forum. Were they used by both?

    Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder BoardsRussian Volunteer Officer Shoulder BoardsRussian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

    These are really nice.

    Could be used by either I would say.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3
    pjm is offline

    Default Re: Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

    Thanks. They came with a lot of German insignia I got back circa 1990. They tied together so I've left them that way.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Russian Volunteer Officer Shoulder Boards

    Ahh they look very nice. Would love to adopt them.

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