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Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger

Article about: Hello all, Just wanted to share a recent pickup with a simulated ivory grip. The provenance on this dagger is known back into the late 1960s and early 70s when it was purchased from the then

  1. #1

    Default Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger

    Hello all,

    Just wanted to share a recent Fridericus Damascus pickup with a simulated ivory grip. The provenance on this dagger is known back into the late 1960s and early 70s when it was purchased from the then President of Western Illinois University (the Vet. that brought it back) and that just so happens to be where I graduated from. Enjoy!

    William Kramer
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger   Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

    Paul Dinger Fredericus Army Dagger  

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  3. #2


    Nice example Bill....not that often encountered and in very good condition.
    Typical Rosebud damascus pattern on the blade.
    Generic crossguard Type A is correct and generic scabbard.

    Members and Authors on the Heer topic.. "dr73 and Gerrit can comment further.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  4. #3
    MAP is online now


    That's a screamer!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  5. #4


    Looks wonderful sir.


  6. #5


    Beauty William.

    "It's not whether you get knocked down...It's whether you get up"

    My Collection: www.tothehiltmilitaria.com

  7. #6


    That’s a wonderful and extremely rare piece! Thanks for showing it here.


  8. #7


    This damast pattern and the tangmarkings is not what i know from Paul Dinger pre 1945.
    He signed his blades with P + D and sometimes added a single number.
    He worked with Carl Wester in the 1960s.


  9. #8


    Sorry but that is entirely incorrect.

    A guide to military dress daggers volume III by Kurt Glemser. There is chapter about Paul Dingers damascus (page 183)

    There are listed 4 different tang stamps: P+D, Paul Dinger, Paul Dinger Schwertschmied, Paul Dinger Damatschmied.

    P+D is most commonly found.

    William Kramer

  10. #9


    What an outstanding dagger!! Love the Damascus blades and this one is stunning.

  11. #10


    "P+D" is the most common stamp of Paul Dinger found on any type of dagger blade. The number was added during assembly to match other parts of the dagger - For example my Kriegsmarine marked P+D has the same "9" on tang, crossguard and pad between crossguard and ivory grip. And small "32" on blade and lock.

    "PAULDINGER SCHWERTSCHMIED" is a sword stamp. We wont find this one on daggers.

    You are correct about your stamp. The positioning of the letters is the same as on every other dagger I have seen. According to German knife and sword makers 1850-1945 by J.A. Carter the stamp "PAULDINGER DAMATSCHMIED" is commonly found on Fridericus blades (5 of 6 is my score).

    There was also stamp "PAULDINGER - in radius above - SOLINGEN" found on some heer dagger. I never seen that stamp though. Only drawn depiction in mentioned book.

    Its a beauty Will! I would love to see the blade in focus with less contrast (On your photos is scabbard or handle in focus). The pattern looks nice though.
    Last edited by Drambejz; 08-06-2024 at 06:50 AM. Reason: fixing style of letters for easier read

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