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British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

Article about: Salutations! I was given this helmet some ten years ago and I figure it is a British Motorcyle Dispatchers helmet. I also believe these are quite common, no? Your thoughts are appreciated!

  1. #1

    Default British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

    Salutations! I was given this helmet some ten years ago and I figure it is a British Motorcyle Dispatchers helmet. I also believe these are quite common, no? Your thoughts are appreciated!

    British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

  2. #2

    Default Re: British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

    Yes, it's a British "Steel Helmet, Despatch Riders, Mk I" but, of course, used by anyone riding a motorbike, not just 'despatch riders'.


  3. #3

    Default Re: British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

    Not common, but not exactly rare either.

    Very nice one.


  4. #4

    Default Re: British Motorcyle Dispatcher Helmet. I think.

    42 was the first year for steel DR helmets, the original colour can be seen on the inside.

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