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my M15 adrian darker blue artillery

Article about: this adrian helmet is a more salty : the liner has come loose and is first pattern : the tongues and the leather band are one piece. Only one undulated metal band has survived and the chinst

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    Default my M15 adrian darker blue artillery

    this adrian helmet is a more salty : the liner has come loose and is first pattern : the tongues and the leather band are one piece. Only one undulated metal band has survived and the chinstrap has had better days. No manufacturer stamp can be seen (anymore). The first helmets were of a lighter blue (called horizontal blue), I think my infantry adrian posted in an earlier thread was one of these, but difficult to say as time can change colour. The later darker blue (like this one ?) was produced by making the drying time in the oven a little bit longer. So this way the paint attached better to the helmet and this colour was less strikjng for the enemy (?). As in time the blue French uniform was changed to a kaki uniform, these helmets were repainted in kaki (with al ot of variants of kaki). The later M26 model was painted kaki by the manufacturer.
    Although fallen apart, this way members less familiar to adrians can see well of which parts an adrian is made of...
    a simple device.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture my M15 adrian darker blue artillery   my M15 adrian darker blue artillery  

    my M15 adrian darker blue artillery   my M15 adrian darker blue artillery  

    my M15 adrian darker blue artillery   my M15 adrian darker blue artillery  

    my M15 adrian darker blue artillery   my M15 adrian darker blue artillery  

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