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Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

Article about: I decided I am going to try something different in here. Since I am starting a new model I though I might as well take some pics along the way and you guys can follow the build. Put up any q

  1. #1

    Default Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    I decided I am going to try something different in here. Since I am starting a new model I though I might as well take some pics along the way and you guys can follow the build. Put up any questions or suggestions you can think of.

    So I made a start tonight, firstly here is the Box before the start:

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon
    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Its the 1/48 scale Tamiya Flakpanzer modelwagon. The 3.7 cm FlaK auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen IV (sf) (Sd.Kfz. 161/3), nicknamed Möbelwagen ("Furniture Van") because of its boxy turret (when closed), was a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun built from the chassis of the Panzer IV tank and was armed with the Flak 43. I will be painting it as per the box art, as they didn't really come any other way. Looks like a decent number of parts but the detail is great and very little flash. Its molded in the typical tan plastic. I plan to build the majority of the model first before painting as the glue tends to hold better. Some parts will be left off for detailing and attached at the end.

    Anyways on with the build, I installed the weights first up then on with the front and rear panels. I always use Tamiya extra thin cement, holds well and doesn't go everywhere.

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    After thats complete I started part 3, suspension. Simplified but works well and keeps the wheels straight.

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    And lastly for tonight I get the return rollers build, front and rear panels on and build the drive sprockets, then to the side to dry. I will leave off the road wheels and the tracks until towards the end as I usually do, saves to much masking in later stages.

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

  2. #2

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Good luck! Excited to see how it turns out.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    me to.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    I take it they have added the weights because they got rid of the metal chassis on these kits? Never cared for the metal chassis myself.

  5. #5
    4md is offline

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    great idea Jason, looking forward to seeing it all come together

    Regards Paul

  6. #6

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Thanks guys, I will be keen to see how this goes myself you know. Will get some more table time tomorrow and will post the next update

    Hagen: They do add the weights to give some feel of mass to the body as they did do away with the die cast chassis. I dont mind the weight in the models now that I am used to them, funny picking up one without weights now.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    I also like the feel of the weight I just don't' care for matching up all the styrene with the die cast. That being said though you have inspired me to break out their Panther G I have had in my stash for awhile now!

    I'm looking forward to your build, may it be your best build to date!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    I have always liked these detailed models. Looking forward to see the progress.

    Good Luck!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Great stuff Jase, thanks for taking the time to do this mate, I know I can learn a lot from your build! I've seen the other models you've built and they're really top notch mate!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Thanks again guys.

    Hagen - I have my eye on the Panther G so I would be keen to see it! I have the 1/48 Tiger 1 Late and the Matilda III/IV on the way as well as afew others in the stash

    Well I did manage to get some time in on the table tonight, started back at stage 7 of the build tonight, affixing the upper hull, fenders and associated parts. I attached all the parts that will be required for the main body painting like the spare wheel carriers, headlight, etc but have left off the tools for detail painting though. Once all the parts are on the upper hull it was glued to the lower hull. Here are some pics from parts 7 thru to 11 competed:

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer MobelwagonBuild Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer MobelwagonBuild Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Now I have hit a snag, I cant decide how to have the gun shields. I can have them fully down (shooting position), Half up for personal protection (High shooting position) or fully up (traveling position). I am not worried about fully up, but what do you guys think, half up or fully down? Here is the pics from the instructions

    Build Blog - Tamiya 1/48 Flakpanzer Mobelwagon

    Until next time

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