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12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112

Article about: Hello, community, I'm looking for anything from the 76th Infantry Division and 22nd Infantry Division (22nd Airborne Division) that took part in the fighting in Bessarabia. Of particular int

  1. #1

    Default 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112

    Hello, community,

    I'm looking for anything from the 76th Infantry Division and 22nd Infantry Division (22nd Airborne Division) that took part in the fighting in Bessarabia. Of particular interest to me are photos, maps, photo albums, military records, magazines (Berliner Illustriete Zeitung August 1941-I'm Sturm über den Dniester!), etc., which show the crossing of the Dniester/Dniester/Tyras rivers near the town of Mohyliv-Podilskyi.

    Furthermore, I am looking for everything that has to do with the storming of bunker 112 (Mohyliv-Podilskyi district) near Ostrovkov (Ukraine), which was carried out by German troops on the other side of the Dniester/Dniester/Tyras bank from the village of Unguri (Moldova) with direct fire from several 8.8s.

    I understand that it is almost impossible to find anything on this topic, but I am sure that the search for a needle in a haystack will be successful.

    I have already done some research and thanks to the guys from the wehrmacht-forum.

    Uberquerung vom Fluss Dnjester (Bessarabien-Ukraine) 1941 - Einsatze & Operationen - WEHRMACHT-FORUM.DE

    Youtube video:

    Pillbox 112 of the 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - YouTube

    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 11212th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112
    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 11212th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112
    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 11212th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112
    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 11212th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112
    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 11212th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112

    I thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112
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  3. #2


    I am looking as well for this magazine:

    12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112

    If anybody has an original copy of it, please let me know.

    Best regards,

  4. #3


    Hello SovPha.

    This looks like a very interesting topic and I agree there is not a lot of information about it.

    Hopefully some of these links may be helpful.

    Here is some general information about the 22. Infanterie-Division -

    22. Infanterie-Division

    22. Infanteriedivision

    22nd Air Landing Division - Wikipedia

    22. Infanteriedivision - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    22.Infanterie-Division - Feldgrau

    Here are a couple of threads about a soldier from Infanterie Regiment 16 (22.ID), with some additional links -

    Translation of Record of Death

    Help in reading Death Cards

    76. Infanterie Division -

    Pillbox #112 is briefly mentioned here -

    The basis of the UR was made up of long-term firing structures (DOS), or long-term firing points (DOT). One of the so-called "standard" pillboxes of the "Stalin's line" - pillbox # 112 of the 53rd Ur in the Mogilev-Podolsky region looked, in the opinion of all the same authors, as follows: “It was a complex underground fortification structure ... It contained weapons depots, ammunition, food, medical unit, canteen, water supply (operating, by the way, to this day), red corner, observation and command posts. The armament of the pillbox was a three-embrasure machine-gun point, in which three Maxims and two half-caponiers with a 76-mm cannon in each stood on stationary turrets. "..." Stalin's Line "was built not at the very borders, but in the depths of the Soviet territory."

    Fortified regions on old frontier ("Stalin Line") (1928-1939) -

    Kind regards,


  5. #4


    Hello, Will,

    Thank you very much for the provided information. You are simply amazing.

    The data provided will be added to my hard drive. Thanks again.

    By the way, if you come across original photographs, documents, etc. related to the city Mogilev-Podolsky during WW2, please let me know.

    I wish you a great Sunday.

    Best regards,

  6. #5


    Hello SovPha.

    It is my pleasure to help.

    I will keep looking and if I find anything else I will post it here.

    Same to you!

    Kind regards,


  7. #6


    I had actually forgotten that I have a small document group to a soldier from the 22. Infanterie Division. He served in 2./Kompanie Infanterie Regoment 16 and according to his certificat de liberation, he was serving in Infanterie Regiment 65 at the end of the war.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112   12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112  

  8. #7


    Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz -

    Signed by Oberstabsarzt und Chefarzt Kübler

    According to the stamp, this was awarded while he was in hospital (possibly Kriegslazarett Abteilung 516?).

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112  

  9. #8


    Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber -

    Signed by Oberst Dietrich von Choltitz (Commander of Infanterie Regiment 16 from September 1940 - August 1942)

    Dietrich von Choltitz - Wikipedia
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112  

  10. #9


    Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse -

    Signed by General der Infanterie Ludwig Wolff (22. Infanterie Divison Commander from 10 October 1941 – 1 August 1942)

    Ludwig Wolff (general) - Wikipedia
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 12th Mogilev-Yampolsky Fortified Area - Bunker 112  

  11. #10


    Superb. Thank you. I will investigate deeper with this unit. Simply awesome.

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