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6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

Article about: by Franz Repper Joe I have a load of Information on SS Nord as it is my main intrest as you read german I could pass on some info to you PM me your email address and i can send some Veterans

  1. #1

    Question 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Hi Folks,

    first of all "Happy new year". The reason why I start this thread is, I hope maby of you will have some background information of an fallen member from the 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg..
    He was fallen and burried here in my region on March 7. 1945 near Lampaden in Rhineland - Platinium during an hefty battle with US - Forces wich are comming from the saar brigdeheads at Saarburg, an Wiltingen.
    The battle is also well known and called "Lampaden rigde". See link:

    Untitled Document

    The interessting thing is, that his grave is located on one of the orignal battlefields near Lampaden called "Dreikopf" this is the highest of the three hills there 200 meters away from the mainroute to the town Trier, which is far 17km of this point.
    He was KIA by the fight against Sherman Tanks wich climp up the hill througt vineyards coming from Wiltingen and Saarburg.
    He was killed form a burst of rounds of an cal. 50 BMG from the tank.

    See grave:

    Does anybody of you have more information over
    Obersturmführer Horst Köhler?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.   6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.
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  3. #2

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    An interesting book which is readily available is Black Edelweiss by J Voss which is a personal history of an individual in 6th SS Mountain Division Nord. The battle referred to is i believe covered in the book.

    I can't help on your specific questions though but good luck.

  4. #3

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Hi Tietze,

    i´ve just downloadet this book as an pdf - file yesterday. There´s not so much info about the conterattack against Lampaden.


  5. #4

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Try Seven days in January the author is a 6 SS Gebirgs Div Nord veteran and the book covers the fighting in 1945 plus their campaigns in Karelia,


    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  6. #5

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Give me some time I will look up some info

  7. #6

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    ...that would be great.


  8. #7

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Joe take a look here "Nord" officer casualties this is a list of fallen officers from SS Nord . How good is your German ?

  9. #8

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.


    I´m a german, no problems with my foreign language, english is a bit more difficult for me.


  10. #9

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.


    The list of the fallen unit menbers on your link say´s, that Ostuf Walter Köhler was fallen by Burg Heid. The date he was fallen is the same as on the medal plate on the grave that Ive found here.

    Interessting is, the medal plate in the photo from the grave say´s
    "H. Köhler" maybe this man hat more prenames like Horst Walter Köhler or so, I don´t know.

    But this grave is located on the german strong point called "Drei Kopf" near Lampaden and Obersehr. Burg Heid is an old castel that is nearly 3km away from there in the direction of Lampaden.
    The "Drei Kopf" is an group of 3 dominate hills in this area. SS troups on this importend point have had the ability to control the main street (Reichsstraße 268, today Bundesstraße B 268) wich comes from the Saarland and going to the next big town on Mosel river called Trier.

    Trier is around 10 miles from the Drei Kopf.

    In the area Lampaden, Ober- and Niedersehr was an very big battle betwen the 6. SS Gebirgsjäger and the US Troops wich were coming from there bridgeheads from Saar river.

    Both sides have had heavy causalities there, after the battle the US forces installed in Burg Heid a short time PW camp.
    The 6. SS had on the same place an Sanitätscamp for the woundet soldiers before the US Force occupied Burg Heid.

    As far as I know, Ostuf Köhler was fallen right on the place where the symbolic grave is.
    He was in battle there with american sherman tanks and infanterie wich was coming the hill up out the direction from Oberemmel.
    As he stand up to shot with an occupied US Garand rifle he got some direct hits from the 50. BMG gun of an sherman tank and was killed directly on this place.

    You can found some english information over these battle if you´re try google or yahoo, then tip in

    Lampaden rigde

    Destroyed Sherman tanks in Lampaden:


  11. #10

    Default Re: 6.SS-Geb.-Division Nord 2. Komp. 11 Reg.

    Joe I have a load of Information on SS Nord as it is my main intrest as you read german I could pass on some info to you PM me your email address and i can send some Veterans accounts to you .
    Last edited by Franz Repper; 04-04-2010 at 08:39 AM. Reason: spelling

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