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best ww2 documentary

Article about: hello fellas! just wanted to know which german or japanese military documentaries are good. i just finished watching war of the century and i thought that was a very good film about the east

  1. #1

    Default best ww2 documentary

    hello fellas!

    just wanted to know which german or japanese military documentaries are good. i just finished watching war of the century and i thought that was a very good film about the eastern campaign for both sides. what have you guys seen? thanks in advance!

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  3. #2

    Default Re: best ww2 documentary

    About the Germans or Japanese or in German or Japanese?

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #3

    Default Re: best ww2 documentary

    The 'Third Reich in Colour' is good!

    Attached Images Attached Images best ww2 documentary 

  5. #4

    Default Re: best ww2 documentary

    sorry should of been more specific, in english language. either the pacific or european campaign.

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