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Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth"

Article about: One of my main interests in 3rd Reich study has been the manner with which the NS-Movement managed to propagate the myth among the Volk that Hitler was a demi-god, infallible and sent by fat

  1. #1

    Default Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth"

    One of my main interests in 3rd Reich study has been the manner with which the NS-Movement managed to propagate the myth among the Volk that Hitler was a demi-god, infallible and sent by fate to redeem the Fatherland and lead it to greatness...
    I recently scored this small (Orange!) 1940-dated booklet titled "Image of the Fuhrer", containing 15 prayers/poems/incantations clearly referring to Hitler as "The One", and "Sent by God"... I've always been interested in learning "how & why" this man was able to lead an otherwise cultured and educated population to place their faith in him as a Godsend...Even my German Oma admitted to me during a conversation: "Ich war auch fanatisch, und habe den Hitler auch verehrt." "I was a fanatic too, and idolized Hitler as well"....
    cheers, Glenn
    Attached Images Attached Images Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth"  Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth"  Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth"  Creating the "Hitler Messianic Myth" 
    Last edited by bigmacglenn; 12-26-2014 at 04:51 PM.

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    We place our faith in Men.......not always a good thing.

    Nice book Glenn.

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  4. #3


    What they should have told the crowds at Nuremberg:

    (Sorry, Glenn. Just couldn't resist it.)

  5. #4


    An interesting subject Glenn how the German population came to idolise Hitler and his party , the propoganda Ministry and machine of Dr Clubfoot and the use of it in the process has raised my interest recently , books such as this were of course part of the process !

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