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finding german soldier name

Article about: is there a website to research a ww2 german soldier name? a friend of mine dad brought back a soldbuch and was trying to find out about him thanks timothy

  1. #1

    Default finding german soldier name

    is there a website to research a ww2 german soldier name? a friend of mine dad brought back a soldbuch and was trying to find out about him thanks timothy

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  3. #2

    Default Re: finding german soldier name

    Im having the same issue I purchased a vet bring P38 rig with the rank and name of the soldier written under the flap.

  4. #3

    Default Re: finding german soldier name

    ive been trying to find a german pow that my grandfather was freinds with in 44 45 and after the war ive had no luck. but only have a name dont think there is much on the web

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