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"Gemeinschaltslager" and " Wohnlager" designation?

Article about: I would be very appreciative if someone could explain what difference was there between a "Gemeinschaltslager" and a " Wohnlager"? I have some documents overstamped with

  1. #1

    Default "Gemeinschaltslager" and " Wohnlager" designation?

    I would be very appreciative if someone could explain what difference was there between a "Gemeinschaltslager" and a " Wohnlager"?

    I have some documents overstamped with both designations. Online sources suggest both were unguarded community camps for workers but if so why two different terms for the same type of camp?. One online description has Gemeinschaltslager housing foreign workers but an Ausweis document I have for a Wohnlager is for a Polish worker, so also a foreigner.

    Thanks in advance for any insights

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement "Gemeinschaltslager" and " Wohnlager" designation?
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  3. #2


    Gemeinschaftslager = A camp specifically for civilian workers

    Wohnlager = Housing units / accommodation



    EDIT: Recent addition to the camp definition thread can be found here:

  4. #3


    Thank you Carl.


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