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Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview

Article about: BBC NEWS | Europe | The last survivor of Hitler's bunker Just found this on BBC website. Interview with the last surviving member in Hitlers bunker when the end came. Reg

  1. #1
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    Default Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview

    BBC NEWS | Europe | The last survivor of Hitler's bunker

    Just found this on BBC website. Interview with the last surviving member in Hitlers bunker when the end came.


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    Default Re: Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview

    That we know about. He mentions Gestapo Mueller, who did a fine disappearing act, being present. Who else might of been there that this man in his telephone exchange didn't see? Being questioned by the Soviets for several years on the finer points of who, what and where may also have blunted his recollections.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview

    I hear the soviets tortured him for 10 years. it's a wonder that he can speak at all!

  5. #4

    Default Re: Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview

    he make a good book too
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Hitlers bunker, last surviver interview  

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