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Hitlers Children 5 Part Documentary on the Hitler Youth

Article about: Hitlers Children 5 Part Documentary on the Hitler Youth Not to be confused with the recent 1 hour documentary This is a 5 part, exhaustive in depth look at the Hitler Youth From the cradle t

  1. #1

    Default Hitlers Children 5 Part Documentary on the Hitler Youth

    Hitlers Children 5 Part Documentary on the Hitler Youth

    Not to be confused with the recent 1 hour documentary

    This is a 5 part, exhaustive in depth look at the Hitler Youth From the cradle to the grave.

    It blew my mind. I learned so much, which is rare with some of the more generic top level stuff that comes out.

    You would be hard pressed to find a better presentation in video form.

    Its in 5 parts on you tube, but its 100000% worth watching.

    Part 1

    Bryan "Ned" Kelly

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  3. #2


    Thank you for the link --- I have seen the other documentary you're referring to but this one's new to me I think!

  4. #3


    Its 5 hours long but trust me this thing really rips and ultra packed with info. goes by fast

  5. #4


    Great link I will be watching this tonight :-)

  6. #5



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