Identifying a German soldier
Hi all,
I had a German wartime 'feldpost' letter translated a few months back, and the content intruiged me.
I've got the soldiers name, and possibly his number too, 03123
Is it possible to find out the identity of the soldier by his name and number? I'm desperate to find out if he survived the war.
01-03-2010 07:10 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: Identifying a German soldier
you can try here to see if he is listed
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. - Arbeit für den Frieden
You have to register, but they are very helpful
What was the Feldpost Number?
If it was 03123 it was for
(Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Kommando 9. Infanterie-Division,
(7.11.1944-Kriegsende) 20.12.1944 gestrichen.
Re: Identifying a German soldier
Cheers John,
The letter is dated Nov 41, and both the letter and envelope can be seen here....
Re: Identifying a German soldier
On the envelope in the bottom left hand corner the stamp has a 5 digit Feldpost Number in it - can you make out what the number is? I can possibly make out 38097 but when I try to enlarge the image to get a better look, it becomes distorted and harder to read.
The entry for FpNr 38097 for the November 1941 time frame is...
(28.2.1941-29.7.1941) Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk XV,
(30.7.1941-28.2.1942) Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk 15,
dann Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk 115, dann Vorkommando Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk 115,
..which would tie in with him being a rear-echelon soldier. Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk is, I believe, Army Motor [Transport] District. Although I am wondering if it was just the rear area that the units mail was processed through, which could explain why the mans name has what appears to be another FpNr under it, as amplified upon by John above.