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Original German film (8mm) Occupation of Poland, Denmark and Norway!

Article about: This is from an original roll of film (8mm) from my private collection in HD The film shows the occupation of Poland, Denmark and Norway 1939-1940 Poland: Denmark: Norway:

  1. #1

    Default Original German film (8mm) Occupation of Poland, Denmark and Norway!

    This is from an original roll of film (8mm) from my private collection in HD
    The film shows the occupation of Poland, Denmark and Norway 1939-1940




  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Original German film (8mm) Occupation of  Poland, Denmark and Norway!
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Original German film (8mm) Occupation of Poland, Denmark and Norway!

    Please be aware that although these films are in your private collection most Wochenschau UFA films are still copyrighted; the rights are held by Transit Film GmbH in Germany. In the U.S. the copyright on these films from 1914 until the 1940s had expired due to non-compliance with U.S. formalities; the copyright was then restored in 1996 by the URAA on those published after 1922. The Transit Film company then even filed so-called "notices of intent to enforce" (NIEs) with the U.S. Copyright Office and can now even enforce its copyrights against parties who rightfully used their films before the URAA became effective. Nevertheless the URAA also prevents films previously under the administration of the "Enemy Property Custodian" from being renewed making it an uphill if not futile battle to enforce these copyrights in the U.S. (Copyright for Transit Film GmbH info available on Wikipedia)

    In esscence your youtube HD copies of original Wochenschau UFA films are probably breach of Transit Film GmbH copyright and they could seek legal redress...this potntial issue should kept in mind when making copies.
    Last edited by StefanM; 05-06-2013 at 06:56 AM.

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