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research help for opa

Article about: I found this information about my opa who was in the Luftwaffe and wonder if anyone can interpret it. I believe it lists the places where he was assigned to. Any info would be appreciated.

  1. #1

    Default research help for opa

    I found this information about my opa who was in the Luftwaffe and wonder if anyone can interpret it. I believe it lists the places where he was assigned to. Any info would be appreciated.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture research help for opa  

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  3. #2


    First listing appears to be for an observation replacement/training group - a three month period between June and August 1940. NH

  4. #3


    The second entry is "Fliegerhorst Kompanie E. 3/IV"

    Cheers, Ade.
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  5. #4


    ....and the last one is for Landesschützen-Zug der Luftwaffe 1/I

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