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Rudolf Sieckenius

Article about: Hello, Does anyone know of or have a document/photo regarding Herr Sieckneius and a German cross? I have looked for a long time and cannot find anything about Sieckneius being awarded a Germ

  1. #1
    G43 is offline

    Default Rudolf Sieckenius


    Does anyone know of or have a document/photo regarding Herr Sieckneius and a German cross? I have looked for a long time and cannot find anything about Sieckneius being awarded a German cross. The reason I ask is because I have a Panzer Oberst's tunic from the 2nd regiment that I believe to be Sieckneius's, however it has an award loop on the left facing breast pocket where a Deutsche Kreuz in Gold would go. He was awarded the Panzerkampf Abzeichen in silver, the silver wound badge and the EKI with spange, so the right facing breast is explained. Sieckneius was with the 2nd panzer regiment during 1941-43 making the Eastern front ribbon correct. Finally, I saw a picture of him from 1938 that shows 6-8 ribbon bars on his tunic. This takes care of the large space between the loops above the right facing pocket. It all appears to check out, other than the DKIG! Any information? Thanks.

    Rudolf Sieckenius

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  3. #2


    there were other medals awarded that could go there Spanish ect.

  4. #3
    G43 is offline


    Thanks for the reply Harry. Yes, you are correct. I habe yet to see any mention of him being involved with the Legion Condor, however. The pictures of him in 1938 and 1941, after he was awarded the RK, do not show any awards on the left facing breast. Since the german cross was institued literally days after his receiving the rk he would have had to have won it after he had those formal pictures taken, if he did receive it. I have not seen a post 1941 picture of him in full uniform.

  5. #4


    Quite possible that the tunic belonged to another. What tells you it was Sieckenius ?

  6. #5
    G43 is offline


    Well Steve, I have to admit that my hypothesis is based purely on assumptions, probability, and perhaps a hopeful bias! The evidence I have so far would be firstly, from pictures that I have seen a Sieckenius he had a ribbon bar that matches with the space permitted on the above tunic. He was awarded the EKI mit Spange, silver wound, and silver panzer badge all whilst he was commander of the 2nd Panzer regiment. Therefore, by this assumption his rank matches his award loops. Another major piece of evidence is the Eastern front ribbon. As we know that award was issued for the winter of 1941-1942 which is precisely when Sieckneius commanded the 2nd Panzer regiment. In fact he was the only command of the 2nd in Russia. He took over before Barbarossa and left Stalingrad by air a few day before the 6th armies' surrender. Plus there were only about 10-12 commanders of the 2nd regiment some serving only a month or so and none while in Russia with the 2nd. I know there are flaws in these assumptions but they are all I have now. Thanks.

  7. #6


    One thing I can tell you is that is a great tunic friend. I love it.

  8. #7
    G43 is offline


    Thank you very much, Steve. I feel very fortunate to own the tunic, or for that matter any of my pieces no matter how big or small!

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