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Dnipropetrovsk 1941-1943: Occupation and the holocaust

Article about: DNIPROPETROVSK 1941-1943: OCCUPATION AND THE HOLOCAUST As a Ukrainian and WWII enthusiast, I have always planned to write a detailed article about my native city of Dnipro, formerly known by

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    Default Dnipropetrovsk 1941-1943: Occupation and the holocaust


    As a Ukrainian and WWII enthusiast, I have always planned to write a detailed article about my native city of Dnipro, formerly known by its Soviet name Dnipropetrovsk. In this exhaustingly long material of 15 000 words, I discuss the history of the Jewish community in the city before 1941, two years of occupation, and the genocide of the Jews in Dnipropetrovsk by the Nazis. 100+ archival photos and maps, some never published before + my recent 2023-2024 photos of the locations.

    If the article was interesting to you, please don’t hesitate to leave feedback: it gives me fuel to keep writing.

    Holocaust and occupation in Dnipropetrovsk (1941-1943)

    Dnipropetrovsk 1941-1943: Occupation and the holocaust

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    Circuit advertisement Dnipropetrovsk 1941-1943: Occupation and the holocaust
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    Hello Maxim.
    Some time ago I read another article of yours.
    You've done excellent research, great work shaping it, and consequently an incredible article.
    My congratulations and all my encouragement for you to continue with this work.


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