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Flag on the Reichstag

Article about: Hi all! Does somebody know the exact place where Mikhail Petrovich raised the flag of the Soviet Union at the roof of the reichstag?

  1. #1

    Default Flag on the Reichstag

    Hi all! Does somebody know the exact place where Mikhail Petrovich raised the flag of the Soviet Union at the roof of the reichstag?

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Flag on the Reichstag

    i have no idea , sorry

  4. #3

    Default Re: Flag on the Reichstag

    Quote by Comrade View Post
    Hi all! Does somebody know the exact place where Mikhail Petrovich raised the flag of the Soviet Union at the roof of the reichstag?
    Mikhail Petrovich Minin raised the flag on the Western side of Reichstag mounted it on column of "Germany" or "Germania" sculpture (Germany and Germania is the same in Russian, so I don't know which is true)

  5. #4

    Default Re: Flag on the Reichstag

    Sergeant Minin ....
    "Достигнув просторного чердака, мы столкнулись с проблемой: как выбраться на крышу. И снова выручил Г. Загитов, высветив фонариком грузовую лебедку и две массивные, уходящие куда-то наверх цепи. По звеньям этой цепи через слуховое окно мы выбрались на крышу над западным фронтоном здания. И здесь у еле различимой в темноте башни Загитов и я стали прикреплять Красное знамя. Вдруг на фоне огненного зарева от разорвавшегося на крыше снаряда Лисименко заметил наш дневной ориентир – скульптурную группу: бронзового коня и огромную фигуру женщины в короне. Сразу же решили, что лучше установить знамя там.
    Ребята подсадили меня на круп вздрагивающего от разрывов снарядов и мин коня, и я закрепил знамя в короне бронзовой великанши.
    Засекли время. Было 22 часа 40 минут по местному времени.”

    In English ....
    "After reaching the spacious attic, we faced the problem of getting to the roof. Again G. Zagitov found a solution - with his flashlight he noticed in the darkness a heavy winch and two chains going to the top. We climbed the chains and then through a tiny window got out to the roof somewhere on the western side of the building. There near a barely noticeable column Zagitov and I began setting up our Red Banner. Suddenly an explosion lighted up the roof and Lisimenko found our old reference-point - a sculpture of a bronze horse and a large woman in a crown. It was immediately decided to set the banner [there].
    The guys raised me onto the horse’s back which shook from the explosions, and then I fixed the banner right in the crown of the bronze giantess.
    We checked the time. It was 2240 local time."

    May he rest in peace, and know that we do not forget him.

    - Frayer

  6. #5

    Default Re: Flag on the Reichstag

    Thanks for all the replys!

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