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Small Light: my favourite wartime Soviet song

Article about: Hi Guys, my favourite wartime Soviet tune is "Small Light". I have just found a modern samba version sung at the Victory Day celebrations in Moscow in 2007 by Russian girl band &qu

  1. #1

    Default Small Light: my favourite wartime Soviet song

    Hi Guys, my favourite wartime Soviet tune is "Small Light".

    I have just found a modern samba version sung at the Victory Day celebrations in Moscow in 2007 by Russian girl band "Fabrika". I just love it! (And maybe Sati the Brunette ) Pity they change the last line of the song.

    You can hear the original here:

    "Small light"

    A girl saw off a soldier
    Who had to go in a frontline position.
    She said him goodbye
    On the footsteps of a porch at the dark night.
    And all the time when her fellow could see
    Her house through a fog
    A small light shined
    In girl's window.

    Guy was met by glorious
    Front collective.
    Comrades were everywhere,
    Friends were everywhere.
    But he couldn't forget
    The known street:
    Where are you, my beloved girl?
    Where are you, my small light?

    And the girl sent a message from far away
    To the fellow.
    She wrote that her love
    Will never die,
    That everything what they decided earlier to do
    Will be fulfilled, -
    The golden small light
    Will not go out. [1]

    And it became gaily
    At heart of the soldier
    As a result of so a good
    Letter from her.
    And fellow fights more hardly
    The hateful enemy
    For the Soviet Motherland,
    For the dear small light.

    For the Soviet Motherland,
    For the dear small light.


    Remarks of Andrey:
    [1] it is about "light of love" here

    ************************************************** ******************************************

    The Russian version (translit):


    Na pozitsiiu devushka
    Provozhala boitsa.
    Tiomnoi noch'iu prostilasia
    Na stupen'kakh kryl'tsa.
    I poka za tumanami
    Videt' mog pareniok,
    Na okoshke na devich'em
    Vsio gorel ogoniok.

    Parnia vstretila slavnaia
    Frontovaia sem'ia,
    Vsiudu byli tovarishchi,
    Vsiudu byli druz'ia.
    No znakomuiu ulitsu
    Pozabyt' on ne mog:
    Gde zh ty, devushka milaia?
    Gde zh ty, moi ogoniok?

    I podruga dalekaia
    Parniu vestochku shliot,
    Chto liubov' eio devich'ia
    Nikogda ne umret;
    Vse, chto bylo zadumano,
    V svoi ispolnitsia srok,-
    Ne pogasnet bez vremeni
    Zolotoi ogoniok.

    I stanovitsia radostno
    Na dushe u boitsa
    Ot takogo khoroshego
    Ot eio pis'metsa.
    I vraga nenavistnogo
    Krepche b'iot parenek
    Za Sovetskuiu Rodinu,
    Za rodnoi ogoniok.

    Za Sovetskuiu Rodinu,
    Za rodnoi ogoniok.

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Small Light: my favourite wartime Soviet song

    Sung by Gorgeous Russian girls it get's my vote for Eurovision
    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  4. #3


    good choice! this is my favorite, "Let's have a smoke" or "Давай Закурим". here it is sung by its original performer, albeit in her later years,

    Клавдия Шульженко - Давай закурим - YouTube

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