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After Action Reports (AAF) WW2

Article about: Hi! Does anybody know how and where I can get AAF's from WW2? I'm looking for the AAF's for the 11th US-Division (XIII Corps) from March to May 1945 in Bavaria/ Germany. Thank's a lot! Tiger

  1. #1

    Default After Action Reports (AAF) WW2


    Does anybody know how and where I can get AAF's from WW2? I'm looking for the AAF's for the 11th US-Division (XIII Corps) from March to May 1945 in Bavaria/ Germany.

    Thank's a lot!

    Tiger IV

  2. #2


    I am not sure what you are looking for. The 11th division was an airborne division that served in the Pacific theater.
    The 11th Army Air Force was out of Alaskan air bases and flew in the Pacific. The 11th Army Corp also operated in the Pacific theater.
    Maybe you have mixed the number up with another division friend.

  3. #3



    I will make sure today that I have the right unit (but I'm very sure at the moment). Let me check my chronicleagain today. I will let you know further informations in the evening.


  4. #4


    Okay - here is all I can get.

    XII Corps - 11th Armored Division

    The 11th Armored seized Bayreuth and Grafenwohr, home to a huge supply dump and training center. Enroute to Cham, 22nd Battalion tankers saw first-hand evidence of Nazi atrocities. Roads were strewn with the bodies of prisoners murdered by SS men. The division liberated more than 1,700 prisoners, many of them weak and half-dead from malnutrition and mistreatment.


    Tiger IV

  5. #5


    This is near to my hometown:


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