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Intro-us history research paper?

Article about: im a jr in high school and have to do a research paper for US History.the prompt is what invention (1900-1998)has had the greatest economic, social, and/or political impact on the USA?My the

  1. #1

    Default Intro-us history research paper?

    im a jr in high school and have to do a research paper for US History.the prompt is what invention (1900-1998)has had the greatest economic, social, and/or political impact on the USA?My thesis is "the nuclear bomb makes the US more influential in World Politics, inevitably leading to socio-economic advantages." But i dont know what to say for my introduction.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Intro-us history research paper?

    is there not a forum / web site that deals with this type of thing as i don't think a military history forum will be of much help especially as it doesn't really deal with US history ???

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