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Notable Living Veterans

Article about: As the number of veterans slowly decline all around us, it would be nice to know some of the notable one still alive, axis or ally. The purpose of this thread is to name some veterans who ar

  1. #1

    Default Notable Living Veterans

    As the number of veterans slowly decline all around us, it would be nice to know some of the notable one still alive, axis or ally. The purpose of this thread is to name some veterans who are still alive, know either for an act of bravery, one of the last of his kind, or any other interesting reason.

    I will start with Rochus Mische
    -Last Surviving person to be stationed in Fuher Bunker, his post was the bunker communication


  2. #2

    Default Re: Notable Living Veterans

  3. #3

    Default Re: Notable Living Veterans

    okay maybe people dont understand.. The point of this thread is to name Living Veterans who are worthy of mention

  4. #4

    Default Re: Notable Living Veterans

    Aren't all Honorable veterans not worthy?
    I could throw out half a dozen names of combat veterans that still with us.

  5. #5
    ian is offline

    Default Re: Notable Living Veterans

    as i have said before AXTDN
    unfotunatly some people see bad things all the time and coment as such
    they miss understand
    i say read what you read here and think before you coment
    therenare no members here to my knowlage who would or do venerate nazis
    allso i dont believe no matter what or why that that word should be used in this forum
    use the term TR or any other
    but that n"zi word is wrong here
    MY VEIW i dont speak for the forum
    i say again read -re read and THINK before commenting

  6. #6

    Default Re: Notable Living Veterans

    exactly what i meant franz,
    name notable combat veterans in this thread please

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