Hi, after following a successful thread on here requesting info on a soldier of WW1, I thought I too would seek help! I'm looking to research Harold Belson, a member of the British Royal Engineers who served in WW2. He is not a relative, but the Uncle of the man I bought the Totenkopf in my display picture from. This is what he told me about it:
"I was given this badge in 1953 by an uncle who served in the Royal Engineers and was in action in France and Germany. From what I was told and he didn’t like talking about it but in his words. He was sent to Belsen to undertake a clean up operation which included maintenance on bulldozers which were used to bury bodies. Whilst he was there one of the inmates came over to him and pressed your badge into his hand and said,”This is token for you to keep.” My uncle felt so sorry for him he gave him his leather jerkin which is a sleeveless leather jacket that the engineers used to wear and told the man your one of us now so you can help me out. My uncle insists because he gave the man something to do, a purpose, it kept that man alive. My uncle was only there for two days and he was moved on but he said it took a week to get the smell out of his clothes and never knew whether the man survived."
-I would love to find any photos, military records or information about this man. I have tried searching his name, along with 'Belsen' and 'Royal Engineers', but I have found nothing. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I don't know where to start! I've asked about further details on him, but this is all he could tell me- and Harold has passed away.