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Translating letter, or even a little info...1943

Article about: Hello. I received this letter as a part of a collection, and was wondering whether any of you clever people out there can translate the letter, or even get some info from the envelope. Many

  1. #1

    Question Translating letter, or even a little info...1943

    Hello. I received this letter as a part of a collection, and was wondering whether any of you clever people out there can translate the letter, or even get some info from the envelope.

    Many Thanks
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Translating letter, or even a little info...1943  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Translating letter, or even a little info...1943

    It says...:

    "Sasbach, den 28.12.1943.

    Werter Herr Meder!

    Ihren Brief mit den schönen
    Bildern haben wir mit
    bestem Dank erhalten. Robert
    ist schon seit 15.10. im Osten
    und zwar an der Krim als
    Fernsprecher es geht Ihm somit
    noch gut. Lege Ihnen das
    Geld bei für die Bilder.
    Die besten Neujahrs Grüße
    sendet Ihnen Familie
    Franz Ernst

    (There are few minor misspellings which I have left as they are.)
    It translates as:

    "Sasbach, 28/12/1943

    Dear Mister Meder!

    We have received
    your letter with the nice
    pictures and
    many thanks for them. Robert
    has now been in the East sinc 15 Oct.,
    namely in the Crimea as
    a telephone operator, so he is
    doing comparatively well. I enclose the
    money for the pictures.
    The best New Year's Greetings
    to you from the
    Franz Ernst family

  3. #3

    Default Re: Translating letter, or even a little info...1943

    That's what i call helping people....
    Congrats to you!

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