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BDM Blouse buckles.

Article about: Hello everyone, After looking around for a long time I have come across this lovely BDM blouse. The only thing I am concerned about are the buckles on the rear of the jacket, they are two di

  1. #1

    Default BDM Blouse buckles.

    Hello everyone, After looking around for a long time I have come across this lovely BDM blouse. The only thing I am concerned about are the buckles on the rear of the jacket, they are two different buckles. Unfortunately this is the best photo I have of it. What would your opinion be of them? Would they both be time period buckles and would it have a big effect on the price of the blouse? Thanks for looking and awaiting your views, carol.
    BDM Blouse buckles.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement BDM Blouse buckles.
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  3. #2


    Not easy to deduce from the photo whether they are two different types of buckle or whether one is threaded in the other way about. As I'm guessing either or both might be prone to being lost over time I would say that to find such a garment with all original fittings might be even rarer than what you see here.

    More detailed pictures would assist but I'm sure the BDM experts will chime in shortly.

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