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BDM or HJ badge, real or not?

Article about: Hi guys, What do you think about this BDM HJ feldscher badge? is it any good? It looks a lot different from the ones I already have. Cheers, Pieter

  1. #1

    Default BDM or HJ badge, real or not?

    Hi guys,
    What do you think about this BDM HJ feldscher badge? is it any good? It looks a lot different from the ones I already have.

    BDM or HJ badge, real or not?BDM or HJ badge, real or not?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: BDM or HJ badge, real or not?

    Got it in the mail today. Looks like a home made variation to me. Very well made. Under UV/black light only the thread that holds the piping glows.

    BDM or HJ badge, real or not?BDM or HJ badge, real or not?BDM or HJ badge, real or not?BDM or HJ badge, real or not?

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