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BDM or HJ Jacket

Article about: BDM or HJ Jacket i'm not sure then on the buttons it is readable hj dj not bdm and as far as i know were this jackets used by the hj too, and has this one a value too then it is a bit damage

  1. #1

    Default BDM or HJ Jacket

    BDM or HJ Jacket i'm not sure then on the buttons it is readable hj dj not bdm and as far as i know were this jackets used by the hj too, and has this one a value too then it is a bit damaged
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    BDM or HJ Jacket  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: BDM or HJ Jacket

    no one can help

  4. #3

    Default Re: BDM or HJ Jacket

    I have never seen a kletterjacke with those type buttons before. Maybe very early or homemade jacke, but not RZM in my opinion.

  5. #4

    Default Re: BDM or HJ Jacket

    on the back of the buttons are rzm marks

  6. #5

    Default Re: BDM or HJ Jacket

    Ran across this site. It may help you if I can get the link to work. { Bund Deutscher Maedel } - a historical research site scroll down for pictures of various type jackets.

  7. #6

    Default Re: BDM or HJ Jacket

    In my opinion it has to be a BDM jacket. Reason: it is a girls piece of clothing. You can tell from how the garment closes: when you can slide your right hand into between the buttons when closed, it is a men's garment, womens' garments close the other way.

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