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DJ Leistungsabzeichen

Article about: Hello, one last youth related badge out of the old box of oddies It is a DJ Achievement badge. I believe these only ever came in one grade? This only has the RZM logo and no makers mark so I

  1. #1

    Default DJ Leistungsabzeichen

    Hello, one last youth related badge out of the old box of oddies

    It is a DJ Achievement badge. I believe these only ever came in one grade?

    This only has the RZM logo and no makers mark so I am unsure if it is good or dud.

    Any opinions welcomed.

    DJ LeistungsabzeichenDJ Leistungsabzeichen

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement DJ Leistungsabzeichen
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    Advertising world

  3. #2


    I believe this one is okay as well Doug.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  4. #3


    yes a good one.

  5. #4


    Nice crisp pics !!
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  6. #5


    Thanks Ralph,
    it's nice to have confirmation.
    Thank you all for your input.
    So I have popped this one in to the good box!

    All the best

  7. #6


    Don't. I don't wish to offend anyone but you're getting duff info here and I'm beginning to despair again. There is no way in hell that a badge with just the RZM circle would have left production. Secondly, look at that amazingly crude stamping and the number of defects on this badge (including that "RZM" stamp). The badge is a modern copy - I have no doubt about that. I don't know if you know but there is a forum specifically for Hitler Youth collectibles. It's called hj-research (.com) and I highly recommend it.

  8. #7


    Hello Norku,
    thank you for your observations.
    I am also a member of the HJ forum and have posted a few badges there in the past.
    I have looked through the DJ badges that are actually listed on that forum site and I think there are only about a dozen examples of this badge pictured.
    As you rightly point out there is only the RZM stamp with no makers code so if I can summarise what is on the HJ forum.
    Of the ones that are pictured there are only a few examples of badges with RZM and makers code. M1/120 seems to be the most prolific..there are three, two are numbered and one is unissued, plus a mini and one other...another couple are a grey backed M1/15 large letter B and no number and another M1/15 numbered, one is M1/63 and numbered (Decidedly a fake).. The other badges are unmarked with no RZM numbers.
    Allthough this badge was instituted in 1935 it would have actually come under the RZM system, Yet unmarked examples are considered to be originals.
    Perhaps firms had badges produced without any rear markings and only started to do so when they were told to? Who knows.

    So back to this badge. It does not show the usual cast marks on the edges that is displayed on any fakes that I have seen and has the nicely bevelled edge that is common on decided originals of the HJ Achievement badge so could possibly the same criteria could be applied to the DJ badges.
    The badge I have is certainly of high enough quality and minute details to be genuine. Note the hatched areas inside the swastika arms and the stippling around the the lettering.
    The flaws that you note if you look carefully mostly appear to be where the heavy handed numbering of the badge has taken place.
    Perhaps some heavy handed youth leader just wellied the numbers on the back. None of the numbering system seems to have any uniformity about it so it can only be cosidered to be of a unique nature. We will never know.

    I do not believe this to be a 'modern' reproduction as it has been sat in the box since 1992/3 but checking my catalogue this came with the two HJ achievement badges listed on this forum and the DJ and HJ membership badges listed over on the HJ forum.

    Here are a couple of links of unmarked badges on the HJ forum for comparison.

    Deutsches Jungvolk achievement badge (DJ Leistungsabzeichen) - Hitler Youth Militaria Collector Forum
    Deutsches Jungvolk achievement badge - Hitler Youth Militaria Collector Forum

    So to conclude. I wont put it back in to the good to go box but in the box 'make up your own mind or wait for further research box'

    Thank you once again for your input.

    All the best

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