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Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe

Article about: Hi, Could you please give any feedback about that badge ? Could be original ?

  1. #1

    Default Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe


    Could you please give any feedback about that badge ? Could be original ?

    Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe
    Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe
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  3. #2


    Hello. it does appear in the Husken book. It matches the exact design and font of the badge. Unfortunately there is no photo of the reverse. I still believe it looks like a good one to me. M1/63 Steinhauer & Luck I believe.

    Nationalsozialistische Studentenkampfhilfe
    Regards, Al

  4. #3


    Another ongoing discussion of a similar badge. Let's see what comes of this

    N.S. Studenten Kampfhilfe
    Regards, Al

  5. #4


    I see that the pin appears to be glued in place?

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