I just bought this at a militaria show today. I'm pretty sure the stamp of the pointed cross on the front is the Hungarian cross.Also it's made of velvet and so is the white(brown now). the swasi is woven. Any feedback is much appreciated .
I just bought this at a militaria show today. I'm pretty sure the stamp of the pointed cross on the front is the Hungarian cross.Also it's made of velvet and so is the white(brown now). the swasi is woven. Any feedback is much appreciated .
never heard of any armband made from velvet material,,,stitching looks decent,but i give this a thumbs down
Why would this be in the HJ forum? Looks like it is a fantasy item made up for "skinhead" groups or some costume.
The Arrow Cross (Nyilaskereszt) as such was the symbol for the Hungarian fascists, yes.
The stamp with the Arrow Cross below three crowns in a shield specifically shows the (alleged) divisional insigne for the Hungarian 26. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS "Hungaria" ( ung. Nr. 2). (see: Axis History Factbook: 26. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Hungaria (ungarische Nr. 2) )
Which, of course, does not make sense on an alleged HJ armband.
"In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem
Okay, my bad, thanks for the info. I thought it was HJ because it looks similar to one minus the white line through the middle. Sorry for 'Tainting' this thread. this piece shows real wear was given thumbs- up's by all the collectors I showed it to. you never really know what you have until it's in your hands, I just hope this is the real deal if it is in factv SS and not Hj. Ade will probably move it to the proper place, anyway.
Last edited by Dean; 03-21-2011 at 09:10 PM.
Hi Dean, no idea on this one, sorry.
Cheers, Ade.
definitely not SS/HJ,,,
I have serious doubts that this is an original piece. Most likely fantasy as velvet is not a material sturdy enough to be used for armbands. If genuine, one of this pattern and construction would have turned up in the past 66 years. i would deem this another product of the 4th Reich
Maybe the term "velvet" is wrong. It does in fact have a velvet-like feel to it though. The construction is highly precise not in the least sloppily made.do any of you have an example of the 26 grenadier ss hungarian div. armband? I'm not quite ready to toss this to the wayside just yet. I'll do some research and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the advise anyhow, fellas.
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