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Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?

Article about: The SS diamond shape logo is 28mm long 17mm wide. There is a safety pin soldered on it I am not sure its original done? Does anybody maybe know where for it has been used? And is this diamon

  1. #1

    Default Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?

    The SS diamond shape logo is 28mm long 17mm wide.
    There is a safety pin soldered on it I am not sure its original done?
    Does anybody maybe know where for it has been used?
    And is this diamond shape logo orginal or fake.


    Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?
    Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Unknown small diamond shape logo with safety pin?
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  3. #2


    This has nothing to do with SS. Often it is said it is Dt. Jungvolk,
    but an early 1930's sales-cataloque offers it as Pfadfinder.
    It is often more square then a diamond-form.

  4. #3


    Quote by Wilhelm Saris View Post
    This has nothing to do with SS. Often it is said it is Dt. Jungvolk,
    but an early 1930's sales-cataloque offers it as Pfadfinder.
    It is often more square then a diamond-form.
    Hello Wilhelm Saris,

    Thank you for finding out where the logo belong to! And indeed this post has to move out the SS insignia forum.
    I found same models on internet its look orginal to me. In germany they call it "Deutschen Jungvolk / Pimpfe mit Siegrune".


  5. #4


    Tieste shows this as a DJ donation tinnie, possibly WHW.

  6. #5


    Yes, I know. This is the general thought,
    but various catalogues tell me otherwise!
    But of course due to the Sigrune, it will
    have been used by DJ as well.

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