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The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.

Article about: Not enough is said about the meaning of the Hitler Youth Knife..which many collectors know…that it was a hiking knife supplied to the boys when the reached the age of 10. The knife itself is

  1. #1

    Default The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.

    Not enough is said about the meaning of the Hitler Youth Knife..which many collectors know…that it was a hiking knife supplied to the boys when the reached the age of 10. The knife itself is of a political nature..which had more meaning..and an ideology to uphold with its SA and SS counterparts. To explain the meaning coming from a news paper article supplemental to the “Solinger Tageblatt”…is a description of the Knife and the true meaning of the motto..and honor to carry it. Translated in English below is this article. The article posted has no anti semitic views and primarily focuses on the honor and meaning..of the HJ knife.

    Saturday , March 10 , 1934
    Solinger Tageblatt Blood and Honor. The HJ Hiking Knife Motto

    The HJ is on the march! Through the Gau of their fatherland, those who fought for the new Germany, march with closed rank and new tread. The brown army, inspired by holy fire and by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by new beliefs and driven by new symbols, which have created a new epoch with new beliefs and therefore with special meaning
    Some people do not understand this spiritual transformation and stand with amazement before the spiritual revolution. Above all they do not understand the symbols. Above all they shake their heads wen confronted with what they do not understand, or with what they do not want to understand namely THE HITLER YOUTH HIKING KNIFE.

    Some of them can see the practical use. They want to give it to their boys as a pocket knife or something similar ,, but what they do not understand is the profound meaning that is incorporated in the HJ Hiking Knife. They have not looked at it closely enough, and have not held it I their hand in complete consciousness. They do not know what a Hitler Youth thinks when he hangs his hiking knife from his belt; when he takes it in his hand and sees the sun shining on the bright steel.
    Yes, it bears the words and the writing of the State Youth leader “Blut und Ehre”..”Blood and Honor”..words which have a profound meaning. But what do they know about why these words were chosen as a slogan and motto for the youth of Germany? ..Nothing!! If they did they would not so often stand and stare,,and there would not be so many mothers who refuse to grant their sons greatest wish, and make him a present of the Hitler Youth Hiking Knife..the knife which is the pledge of camaraderie and trust
    It is not the ownership of the knife itself which they yearn..nor the pleasure in its sharp edge,,and neither the pleasure in its neat appearance,,but instead it is the value it has for the words engraved on the blade, which have the most profound meaning for them, which cry out as symbols,,as the oath of faithfulness of the Hitler Youth.

    These words say more to a Hitler youth than we can imagine. These two mysterious words carry both alone and together a spiritual force, a mysterious content full of special feelings and thoughts. They evoke something reminiscent of the sword motto of the age of German medieval chivalry. Like the feelings and thoughts of the knights of the middle ages they cry out and sing of the Holy Grail,, and these symbols of our times are an evocation for them of a goal worthy of endeavour….Blood!
    Blood stamped in clear letters in memory of the Hitler Youths who willingly gave their life blood for our leader Adolf Hitler. For all of them,,this word embodiment of an indelible monument to them, they shall never be forgotten, and they shall forever march in spirit along side us in our ranks. They who died for us , for our Germany, who willingly gave their lives for a great and holy cause.
    The words engraved in our hearts, and stamped on the HJ knife, should evoke the memory of Herbert Norkus and the comrades from the SA and the SS, the comrades from November1923, and all those millions dead who put their lives on the line for us in the Great War as our fathers likewise did.

    “Blood” is the symbol for all those who have the will to strive for the cause with all their strength body and soul. We will never and must never forget that victory can be had only when we commit our lives, when we commit all we possess with disregard for death, and with disregard for any suffering we may incur.
    “Blood” this single word creates a holy bond between all the human endeavour and thought, of all those who form in common with us, a race and a people. This holy red substance from our heart should be a sign of solidarity for all those who call themselves..German. This word embodies our community of our race and therefore of our people. if we think about our great unified race in the community of which we are each only as a speck of dust, then we shall understand this word.
    It is the power of the blood that has bonded this community, which held it together under the drum fore of the Great War,,and during the long struggle for political power that the Fuhrer waged. It is the mysterious language of the blood that recruited his followers, that what we permitted hi to create what we now see before us..what our youth feels inside,,what we have become and what we have created, namely: the blood community of a great people.
    The HJ Knife bears a second word...Honour!!

    Honour is a possession that is especially important for the individual. The Honour of the HJ youth is embodied in the festive obligations they have taken on. “Loyalty” is the first pledge. Loyalty is to follow without question no matter what happens. Loyalty is community,,loyalty is to be faithful to the Fuhrer even when individually we do not understand his path. Loyalty means to follow unconditionally the way of the community, to undertake without questioning the demands of the Fuhrer. Loyalty is the guardian of Honour. We must be loyal. Loyal to ourselves and to our Fuhrer. It is only the loyal followers who can give the Fuhrer an absolute guaranty on which he can both wholly completely rely.

    Obedience is the second pledge of Honour. Obedience occurs when loyalty prevails. Only he who unconditionally obeys the Fuhrer and his authorized leaders is loyal. This obedience may be hard. There may be orders which may appear difficult and impracticable..but only he who is truly loyal, is in reality obedient and sees nothing is impossible. For him there is nothing to criticize,,no weighing the pros and cons. Obedience is everything,,and orders are the absolute plumb line for all his acts. He carries them out regardless of every danger and consequence. He who is unable to unstable to give orders. He does not know how to be loyal and how to sacrifice and he is not relied upon.

    Duty is the third commandment of Honour. If loyalty is the absolute devotion to a cause and if obedience is its outward manifestation, then the third is again a most special member. Duty is the most important for of Honour,,for the faithful fulfillment of duty brings a greater honor. Duty demands that one acts even without orders. Duty, through the unceasing deployment of strength…is the only path to the fulfillment of all then holy commandments of ..“Blood and Honor” It should be done and completed without pomp and as important as is service to a great cause.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.   The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.  

    The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.   The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.  

    Attached Images Attached Images The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.  The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.  The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning. 
    Last edited by Larry C; 02-09-2014 at 05:03 AM.
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

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  3. #2


    Thankyou for bringing the topic up Larry, very interesting.

    Baring in mind the hitler youth started in the early 20's what was first, the SA dagger or the hitler youth knife? Theres a trick question for you buddy.

  4. #3


    Holy heck what a speil!!! ....No wonder then that in less than 10 years these impressionable youths would fight to the death and spill their 'blood' with 'honour' for a lost, twisted cause.

    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  5. #4


    Yes very interesting. Thanks for sharing the information!

  6. #5


    The Hitler Jugendstil knife is a favorite of mine and always has been. The question is simple to know because both the two were made at the same time by the same makers. The "Exclamation Motto" etched were taken over by the RZM system. An example is the KLIHASO Army Dagger (1935-1937) Klittermann & Moog founded in 1922 (Haan-Solingen).: They made Honor Daggers for "Special Occasion" or "Special SS Groups" SA and SS Dolche, Hitler Jugend knives, fireman axes, panty strap belts, bayonets, and general military knives. Brand names:
    * Share Ready
    * Finest German Make

  7. #6


    Top thread, very interesting!...

  8. #7


    Quote by mattty01 View Post
    Thankyou for bringing the topic up Larry, very interesting.

    Bearing in mind the Hitler Youth started in the early 20's what was first,.. the SA dagger or the Hitler Youth knife?
    Sounds like a opportunity for research for the HJ and SA collector.

    Something else I would like to bring to the the article contained the idea of new symbols..and a holy spirit...mostly centralized on such. The article date ironically is on a Sunday. This new order and new belief..was the holy or New Germanys spirit? Danmark hits it..that these youth were messed up..which is so true...IMO most of them thought this knife had the same honor of being awarded an SA or SS dagger of their peers. Medieval chivarly was the same during those times...a sword or knife was held in high honor.

    Most collectors today see these edged weapons as cool looking and crafted well...which is true....but these knives were not just knives..they were made for meaning.
    What would be held in a higher trust or honour...being a policeman...or a mall cop with a 2way radio..that is the difference between an everyday knife..and a knife made for an ideological purpose. Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  9. #8


    Indeed a very powerful looking knife.

    The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.

  10. #9


    Yes, that's very interesting Larry

    The Hitler Youth knife and its meaning.

  11. #10



    Great Info thread on the hitler youth knife, very interesting

    Thanks Mac 66

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