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Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

Article about: It is my Hj knife. What can you tell about this knife? This is a transitional model? When it could be made? Thank you. Sorry for my bad English.

  1. #1

    Default Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    It is my Hj knife. What can you tell about this knife? This is a transitional model? When it could be made? Thank you. Sorry for my bad English.
    Transitional HJ Knife,, need informationTransitional HJ Knife,, need information
    Last edited by Larry C; 02-05-2013 at 09:17 PM.

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Hello pepper I moved your Post and started your own thread with your questions you are seeking answers for. One of our HJ guys will be along shortly. Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

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  4. #3

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    You are correct,you have a nice transitional mottoed knife,made around 1936-1938 period.


  5. #4

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Agreed, this is a transitional HJ Fahrtenmesser. It's in good condition, the diamond is especially nice!


  6. #5

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Hi Pepper,

    it is a genuine HJ transistional HJ Fahrtenmesser by Rob. Muller.
    It has the correct Rob. Muller transitional logo and the proper RZM big Diamond.
    What i dont like is the Motto.
    the font thats been used is to thin, and it looks like the etching is not deep enough too.

    so my 2 cents:
    original Knife, later added Motto


  7. #6

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Try and run the "back" of your nail down the motto. You should be able to clearly feel the etching. The etching looks far too good/new for this knife. Many motto's are barely visible these days. Except from Ger's mint example

    Regards Lars

  8. #7

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information


    your hj knife is genuine but the motto may be added post war, please take some detailed close up photos of the motto so we can take a closer look to confirm if it was done during the period or post war applied, from the only photo supplied the motto does not look that bad to me as some makers differ in the thickness of there motto etch, also photos can be very decieving

    Regards Mac 66.

  9. #8

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    From the pics i will say the "Ehre" is possibly etched over corrosion.

    Regards, Lars

  10. #9

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Quote by Mac 66 View Post

    your hj knife is genuine but the motto may be added post war, please take some detailed close up photos of the motto so we can take a closer look to confirm if it was done during the period or post war applied, from the only photo supplied the motto does not look that bad to me as some makers differ in the thickness of there motto etch, also photos can be very decieving

    Regards Mac 66.
    Problem is that that Transit. from muller didnt had a Motto as far as i know.
    the early muller ( with the crown logo) has a normal font size Motto, and that is completely different from this one above.
    So im pretty sure its been added later.

    hereby 2 nice examples of trans. mullers

    Cheers Ger

    Transitional HJ Knife,, need informationTransitional HJ Knife,, need informationTransitional HJ Knife,, need informationTransitional HJ Knife,, need information

  11. #10

    Default Re: Transitional HJ Knife,, need information

    Quick question/comment. It's my understanding that from the catalog, the buyer could still choose to add the etch after it was discontinued due to cost?

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