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Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

Article about: Steve: Thanks for the follow-up on Mont Alto. It looks like Prusse was probably the engineer superintendent of construction on both the Deutschland and the Bremen. His official designation i

  1. #901


    Wilhelm Karl Ferdinand Gotthold Prusse - Still a subject of mystery...

    Quote by STBaltimore View Post
    Did his ashes ever make the journey back across the Atlantic after November 11th 1918? I've found nothing on this but have hopes that something about his remains reaching his home town might yet come to light, Can someone make this question known to any of the genealogy societies in Germany, especially one from Gotthold's own region?

    Incidentally, this posting begins the 91st page of material gathered on the U-DEUTSCHLAND and her times. Does anyone really think we're going to run out of material to share by now and new discoveries to make tomorrow? I don't.

  2. #902


    We've been having some thought concerning the sort of activities that could be associated with the U-DEUTSCHLAND'S Centennial set for July of 2016 at Baltimore Maryland, USA. Besides the great museum opportunities to be had at Washington, DC, someone mentioned the very unique centennial memorial to American submariners just down the Chesapeake Bay at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. Another reminded us that, since the centennial may have a goodly number of current and former silent service attendees from beyond Columbia's shores, and maybe a submarine reunion group or two, a side trip to the State of Maryland's first historic underwater archeological site might be in order. The link herewith will get you up close and personal to the site just off shore from the artifact's museum:

    U-1105 Piney Point Md

    Both the U-DEUTSCHLAND and the BLACK PANTHER (a.k.a. U-1105) were no less than first-rate pioneering vessels of their day.
    Last edited by STBaltimore; 01-27-2014 at 05:55 PM. Reason: Tweaking the data

  3. #903


    Quote by drmessimer View Post
    After the war, The U-Deutschland, then the U-155, was turned over to the Britsh who out her on display as a war trophy. In January she was sold to the owner/publisher of John Bull, Horatio Bottomley, who turned her into a tourist attraction and had her towed from port-to-port in the UK. While Bottomley owned the boat, he produced a host of souvenirs that were sold throughout the UK. Below is a copy of the catalog listing the souvenir items then for sale. A few are occasionally found on Ebay or other markets.
    HAHA at the "perfect replica" of the notorious german decoration... very neat stuff. i'll continue reading through ...

  4. #904


    Claas sent me this photo today, and typically sharp-eyed he noted that there are 29 men in the photo, which is purportedly made in Baltimore. If so, the odd-man-out would be Wilhelm Prusse who might be the guy sitting on König's left. He looks suitably glum for a guy who hated the trip over and swore he would not return to Germany on the U-Deutschland, or any other U-boat. That might even clear up the mystery of his suicide. On the other hand, the photo--group positioning--looks very much like the postcard view of the crew and boat in the Weser mouth on 24 August 1916. And if that is the case, then the 29th man might be Dr. Ernst Bischof, König's ghost writer for Voyage of the Deutschland. He did go aboard at Helgoland and remained aboard until the boat went to Wilhelmshaven. Anyone out there care to find and point out which of the men in the photo is the 29th man? I tried and failed.
    And please note this, none of the men in the photo have the DOR cap badge on their caps. Every hat in that photo is sans cap badge, which says to me that the photo was not taken in Baltimore, but more likely in December 1916 after the boat returned from her second trip, or possibly right afer the decision to convert her to a war-boat in February 1917. Dwight
    Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

  5. #905


    James Watson: Welcome to our thread and we hope you come back and take part. You don't have to be a collector of U-Deutschland artifacts because there are lots of other issues involved here and you are encouraged to take part. Looking forward to seeing you here again, Dwight

  6. #906


    Quote by drmessimer View Post
    If so, the odd-man-out would be Wilhelm Prusse who might be the guy sitting on König's left. He looks suitably glum for a guy who hated the trip over and swore he would not return to Germany on the U-Deutschland, or any other U-boat. That might even clear up the mystery of his suicide.
    Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

    Mystery solved, Dwight! Hahahaha!


  7. #907


    The more I study the photo Claas sent me, and compare it to the others we have, the more convinced I am that the photo was taken in Wilhelmshaven in February 1917. I say that because the weather is obviously wet and cold, and the crew does not look happy. There isn't a smile in the crowd, which could be due to having to sit for a group portrait in lousy weather. But the big indicator for me is the absence of any cap badges, which tells me this is a last crew photo and that the boat is about to be converted to a U-cruiser. The fact that the cargo U-boat program was ended would have also contributed to the crew's ill humor. After all, even given the abominable conditions aboard the Deutschland, duty that took them to the United States on a regular schedule was a tough assignment to lose, especially when the alternative was reassignment to a war boat.
    I came up with 18 possible to solid comparisons of the men in the photo Claas found and the men in the numbered postcard. That leaves 10 that I do not recognize and cannot put a name to. But if I had to guess who the odd-man-out is (Nr. 29) I would say it is the man sitting on König's left. Of the ten faces I cannot identify, his is the only one for which I don't even find a possible match. That might be Ernst Bischof, he looks to be about the right age.
    In all the photos we have, the boat's senior officers, König, Krapohl, Eyring, Klees, and Kessel are always close together and at or near the center of the photo. That is true in this photo too, but the little guy on König's left is a newcomer. The numbers coincide with the numbers and names on the postcard posted below.
    Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

    Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

  8. #908


    While I am enjoying the current speculation of "pin-the-names and numbers on the crew-members" (remember I did this too, when I 'think' I had probably identified Gotthold Prusse standing on U-DEUTSCHLAND'S deck as she entered Baltimore Harbor), I wanted to let you know that I got a call today from a London reporter seeking more information on the relationship between Paul Koenig and his wife.

    One of the things I was able to confirm was that, at the time of Captain Koenig's death in September of 1933, Koenig's wife was residing under her maiden name of Pennington, in the Worcester suburb of London.

    I also added that, while it was reported in the press, at the time of Koenig's death, that the Good Captain and his wife had not seen one another ever again since soon after the Great War began in 1914 (when it was said that she 'escaped' from Germany), these statements were in error, according to the reluctantly offered September 1933 quote made by Pennington herself.

    PS - Has anyone identified U-DEUTSCHLAND’S second engineer in the images above” He’s the one who stayed on to later become the U-155’s chief engineering officer, W.A. Karl Fruechte?

    Dwight’s numbering of Claas’ latest image may call for a question about crew member 7 possibly being changed to number 20, with 7 place on the gent to the far left - or next to 20, who would be Fruechte. Tough call though… It can be almost as difficult to identify images as it is to decipher signatures – however, the latter is the more difficult task in my opinion. Dwight’s done a great job on the signature end of this ID’g. However, like the signatures, a little tweaking of the ID'g numbers may be in order ever now and then – and too, I might add, slightly ahead of raising the ‘mystery-solved’ pennant. There's so much yet to know, and Lord willing, it will rise to the surface, as in the past, to astonish us all.
    Last edited by STBaltimore; 02-01-2014 at 06:19 AM.

  9. #909

    Thumbs up

    The article that I mentioned in my posting of the 1st instant came out this morning, Greenwich time. While there are a number of inaccuracies (I didn't get to review the pre-pub copy), including a direct quote I gave over the telephone - even making certain the punctuation marks were in the right places), the reporter, Jasper Copping, came up with more info which we might want to followup on, viz:

    " The couple [Paul Lebrecht König & Kathleen Muriel Pennington] had first met on an Atlantic crossing, and married, in 1901, in Winchester, he at the age of 34 and she 23. Both were the children of clergymen, although Kathleen’s father had driven his west London church into the ground and ruined the family’s reputation. After his death, her mother had split up the family, and Kathleen had been adopted by a prominent author, Mary Eliza Bramston.

    Cargo Submarine U-Deutschland Artifacts and Model

    "Even after her marriage to König, Kathleen continued to live with Bramston, in Winchester, as her husband was away at sea for long periods. The couple had two children, John Paul, born in 1902, and Mary Elizabeth, who followed in 1910.

    "Shortly before the outbreak, Kathleen travelled to Germany to consult a specialist doctor to treat one of her children. While she was there, in July 1914, Konig was called to the navy and could only see her intermittently. She recounted details of their final conversation to a newspaper during the war, after news of her husband’s exploits emerged.

    "She said: “My husband like the man he is recognised that although I might technically be a German by marriage, I am English through and through, and when I said to him, 'You do not expect me to take sides against my own country?’ he replied, 'No everyone must stand by their own country in these times. You would not be worth your salt if you did not, stand by mine! On that we parted and I have not seen him since.’”

    "The couple’s son, a former pupil at Marlborough, died in 1922. Their daughter, Mary, became an actress, under the stage name Ann Muncaster. She accompanied her father on speaking tours of the US before his death. She later settled in Alresford, near Winchester, and died in 1993, apparently childless..."

    For the complete article, please visit: The German sailor, his English wife and WW1 voyage that won him the Iron Cross - Telegraph

  10. #910


    We're getting more mileage on the UK Telegraph story:

    Germerica » Paul König's WWI submarine voyage: an extraordinary story

    To all of my collector friends: Better get all of your must-have artifacts while the getting's good.

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