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Interesting "M. Blink. 16." Goetz Berlin 4x20 Signals Monocular

Article about: Picked this up not knowing what it was, finally found some info on it, something to do with a red lighted signal relay of some sort (latter version of Indian smoke signals ;-), it was hard t

  1. #1

    Default Interesting "M. Blink. 16." Goetz Berlin 4x20 Signals Monocular

    Picked this up not knowing what it was, finally found some info on it, something to do with a red lighted signal relay of some sort (latter version of Indian smoke signals ;-), it was hard to see for sure with the naked eye so they gave the guys these tiny monoculars to use. Optics are still impressively good after nearly 100 years!

    They also bolted these to things, the signal lights themselves (?). This one does not have mounting holes, was meant to be handheld unless it was strapped down, the missing paint may be where a strap went across it.

    Interesting "M. Blink. 16." Goetz Berlin 4x20 Signals Monocular

    Interesting "M. Blink. 16." Goetz Berlin 4x20 Signals Monocular
    Last edited by Larboard; 12-20-2015 at 04:07 AM.

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