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Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

Article about: I found these two interesting newspaper periodicals among my stored items. They are very fragile but amazingly intact. It looks like they are two volumes depicting battles, troop movements,

  1. #1

    Default Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    I found these two interesting newspaper periodicals among my stored items. They are very fragile but amazingly intact. It looks like they are two volumes depicting battles, troop movements, rural scenes, and colonial life during the Great war. As I don't read German and can't decipher the gothic type letters I can't provide anymore details. I'll post a series of photo's for those who might be interested.

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals
    Last edited by Aldo; 09-15-2011 at 08:26 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Some battle scenes

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

  3. #3

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Foreign wars / Colonies ?

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

  4. #4

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Troop movements & rebellion in the colonies ?

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

  5. #5

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Urban & rural scenes

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

  6. #6

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    And finally my favorites are the advertisements. The nose correction machine is priceless

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Cheers, Al

  7. #7

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Great .
    That reminds me I have found similar one's, but didn't had the time to look at them.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  8. #8

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    These came packed in a box with some stuff I bought years ago and never really looked at them until now. An amazing journey these old papers have made in nearly a century.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Period publications can be very interesting. I picked up a lot of letters, cards and newspaper clippings related to the Battle of Lodz in 1914, the letters were first hand accounts, one newspaper was from 1915, and another was from 1933. It was interesting that the 1915 paper did not report any of the troubles related in the letters, but the report in the 1933 paper was almost as though it was taken from the letters (the writer of the 1933 account was in a Regiment that was in the same area)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Interesting WWI German Newspapers, Periodicals

    Those are awesome! I've seen them for sale from time to time. I've always wanted to pick one up.

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