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Some sort of Wallet

Article about: Hello i dont really now where to put this, would like to ask if anyone has one this and if it is real or fake. By the way it is hard to find and its value. Thanks a lot for helping! SM

  1. #1

    Default Some sort of Wallet

    i dont really now where to put this, would like to ask if anyone has one this and if it is real or fake.
    By the way it is hard to find and its value.

    Thanks a lot for helping!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some sort of Wallet  
    Attached Images Attached Images Some sort of Wallet  Some sort of Wallet  Some sort of Wallet  Some sort of Wallet  Some sort of Wallet 

  2. #2

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Hi, this would belong in the WW1 section, as it is from WW1(1914-1918). It's a wallet for a patriotic women's association, and probably worth under $40.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Thanks A lot Doomtown for the info!
    Best Regards

  4. #4

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Allow me to add a translation of the inside label:

    sold in support of the surviving dependants of those fallen in the war and of the soldiers incapacitated because of the war.
    Patriotic Women's Association, Gandersheim (Harz)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    I like it!


  6. #6

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    I believe it is a cigarette case. The left side holds 2 rows of standard size smokes of the period. Like the size of regular Lucky Strikes.
    I am not sure what the crossed straps on the other side are for.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Quote by SteveR View Post
    I believe it is a cigarette case. The left side holds 2 rows of standard size smokes of the period.
    Sorry, but no: It is definitely not. It's a sleeve for bills/banknotes; it even says so on its inside label. (See my above post.)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Definitely a wallet. I've seen and owned several early American wallets with this same type of closure. It opens one side, money is put in and when it's opened on the other side the X pulls it though the bars and your money is secured.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Some sort of Wallet

    Win a few lose a few.
    I have had metal cigarette cases with strap holders like the left side for butts.

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