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Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz - original?

Article about: Hello, I was wondering if this is a orginal. In my opinion the front and back looks good. What are your thoughts about this one? John

  1. #1

    Default Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz - original?


    I was wondering if this is a orginal.
    In my opinion the front and back looks good.
    What are your thoughts about this one?


    (Edit: Sorry for posting this in the wrong thread, can someone please move it into the correct one?)

    Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz - original?
    Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz - original?

  2. #2


    Looks OK to me, but wait for other opinions to be sure

  3. #3


    I like it as well.

  4. #4


    I like it as well.
    You can compare with my example here.
    Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz, Cut Out.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  5. #5


    No worries at all with this one mate! It is one of the more common designs.


  6. #6


    Thank you all for your time.
    I will add this one to my few WW1 awards then.

    All the best,


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